Prof. Herbert A. Mang

Vienna University of Technology,
Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Vienna, Austria
Born in Vienna, Austria 1942
1968: married to Barbara Mang
1972, 1974: Birth of sons Johannes and Thomas
1967: Dipl.-Ing. (Civil Engineering), Vienna University of Technology
1970: Dr. techn., Vienna University of Technology
1974: Ph.D. (Major: Structural Engineering, Minor: Mathematics),
Texas Tech University, USA
1977: Habilitation, Vienna University of Technology
1983: Full Professor (Strength of Materials), Vienna University of Technology
1984 – 2004: Head, Inst. for Strength of Materials, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
1991 – 1994: Dean (Chairman), Faculty of Civil Engineering, Vienna University of Technology
1994 – 1995: Prorector (Vice President), Vienna University of Technology
1995 – 2003: Secretary General, Austrian Academy of Sciences
2003 – 2006: President, Austrian Academy of Sciences
2003 – : Member of the Science Council of the Federal Government of Austria
2008 – : Head, Inst. for Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Vienna University of Technology
Activities Abroad
1971 – 1973: Fulbright Fellow, Texas Tech University, USA
1975 – 1976: Max Kade Fellow, Cornell University, USA
1979 (3 months): Visiting Associate Prof., Tokyo University, Japan
1981 (3 months): United Nations Field Expert, Zhengzhou Research Institute for Mechanical Engineering, People’s Republic of China
Scientific Activities
Basic and applied research in the following areas: mechanics of deformable solids, structural mechanics, computational mechanics, computational acoustics, multi-field analysis, multi-scale analysis, 18 books and book editorships, 412 articles in scientific journals and conference proceedings; co-editor of 2 international journals, member of the editorial board of 39 journals.
Activities in Scientific Organizations
1992 – 1995: President of the Central European Association for Computational Mechanics (CEACM)
1998 – Vice President of the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM)
2005 – President of the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS)
5 honorary doctorates (Cracow University of Technology, University of Innsbruck, National Technical University of Ukraine in Kiev, Czech Technical University in Prague, University of Mining in Leoben), honorary professorship (Tongji University Shanghai), Full Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Foreign Associate of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, the Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw), the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Polish Academy of Sciences and Arts (Cracow), the Slovak Academy of Sciences, the Albanian Academy of Sciences, the German Academy of Technical Sciences, the Engineering Academy of the Czech Republic, the Slovak Academy of Engineering Sciences, the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Brunswick Scientific Society, the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (Salzburg), and the Académie Européenne des Sciences, des Arts et des Lettres (Paris) Many Scientific Prizes, Medals and Decorations
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